What Are We On About


The English Congregation's (EC's) Mission is to be a Community that lives for Christ.

If someone were to ask, what are we on about? Jesus Christ.

It’s Jesus whom we want to preach and live-for, and not ourselves.


We aim to do this by being a Learning, Caring, Worshipping and an Evangelising Community.

As a Learning Community we value God’s word.

In 2018 we will be preaching through Luke's Gospel (Encountering Jesus) and Hosea.

As a Caring Community we value Loving Relationships.

The church is God’s family and so we are to relate to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

As a Worshipping Community we value Prayer & Worship.

We realize that apart from Jesus we can do nothing so we want to rely on him in prayerful dependence. We meet for Corporate Prayer at the Golden Garden Restaurant every second month and weekly prayer on Sunday mornings in Classroom A.

As an Evangelising Community we value Missions, Evangelism and Good Works.

We believe that the gospel of our Lord Jesus changes us to be passionate about what God is passionate about – that His name be known among the nations.