Mainly Music

Mainly Music

Mainly Music 始於1990年,是一個提供趣味性的音樂活動的團體,專為孩童(0-5歲) 及其家長(或照顧者) 而設立的。

透過活動過程,孩童可增強及發展其肌肉活動,(英文) 語言能力、想像力、數學及學前閱讀能力。

每個Mainly Music兒童音樂活動都是由教會主辦及教會信徒義務負責的。希望藉此孩童及大人都有機會思想上帝在他們生命中的角色。




 地點 : 5-7 Castle Hill Road, West Pennant Hills NSW 2125

時間 : 逢星期四早上十時至十二時 (公眾及學校假期暫停)

節目程序          10-10:30            音樂活動

                       10:30-11:00      早點

                       11:00-12:00      故事、手工、遊玩

收費 : 每家庭每次 $5

查詢電話 : 02-99805201 (Rosa Tam) 傳真 : 02-99805203



Started in 1990, mainly music is a fun music group for parents or primary care givers to enjoy together with their child.  Throughout the session, children develop gross and fine motor skills as well as socialize with others.

Each mainly music is associated with and is run by volunteers from a local church. They join together for a fun 30 minutes music session, then afterwards enjoy coffee and morning tea in a relaxed setting.

 Living Stone mainly music welcomes you to join us.

mainly music in Living Stone

 Address: 5-7 Castle Hill Rd., West Pennant Hills,  NSW 2125

Time: Every Thursday 10am to noon (except public and school holiday)

Program:       10-10:30        music session

                        10:30-11:00   morning tea

                        11:00-12:00   story, craft, freeplay

Fee: $5 per family/session

Enquiry: 02-99805201 (Rosa)   Fax: 02-99805203


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